
Thursday, 16 September 2021



Hello reade 

so in art today we are going our art Draw and i will be talking about it Now and you get to know about it and come with me and have look at the cool work and my classes has been working on it for s longs time and i will show you same picues of it and your more and welcome to have a look and in this teram we have beeen going (backgorund,mlldergorund,forebackgorunnd) and we have done same now work 

Ltimus paper

 Litmus paper

Litmus is a tree lichen fungi and is made into small paper strips or a liquid for testing acids or alkaline.

  1. Blue Litmus paper determines if something is acidic. It turns red in solutions with a pH less than 7.

  2. Red Litmus paper determines if something is alkaline. It turns blue in solutions with a pH greater than 7.


  1. Red Litmus paper

  2. Blue Litmus paper

  3. Sodium Hydroxide

  4. Hydrochloric acid

  5. Pipette

  6. 4 Test tubes

  1. Rip the litmus paper in half and put half in each test tube.

  2. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the blue litmus paper in test tube 1.

  3. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the red litmus paper in test tube 2.

  4. Add 3 drop of Sodium Hydroxide to the blue litmus paper in test tube 3.

  5. Add 3 drops of Sodium Hydroxide to the blue litmus paper in test tube 4


The blue litmus paper with hydrochloric acid went _________________.

The blue litmus paper with sodium hydroxide went __________________.

The red litmus paper with hydrochloric acid went ___________________.

The red litmus paper with sodium hydroxide went _________________.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

baking soda/sherbet

 Baking Soda/Sherbet 

My 10 points about baking soda 

1. launger booster 

2. clean over 

3. remove hier gink 

4. over clarer 

5. kitty lietter bok clrenk 

6. cleaner 

7. cleans floods 

8.  clean the sink 

9. unarm deodotant 

10. remove scuff marks on the wall 

Making sherbet 

1 tasp of powdred drink cryslser (eg raro)

1/4 tasp citric acird 

1/2 tasp icing suger

1/4 -baking sode 

put all ingeridts into a zip lock bag stir and eingoi 


  1. water 

2. cup 

3. tasp socp 



1. geta cup 

2. get roisc

3. get baking and suger 

4. geta sitke 

Monday, 6 September 2021

Day in my life🙂

Day in my life

 oh hello welcome to a tabby in my life so let go 

so you will see what i  have been doing at home and so yea enjoy and have a great day